In no way does this include taking our tax dollars out of local public schools and giving them to private schools. The overwhelming majority of families who send their children to private schools don’t need a government handout to do so. In Arizona, a state where they’ve already passed a voucher program, over 80% of voucher recipients were already enrolled in private schools. School vouchers in Tennessee means giving up on the schools and families that need help the most.


It’s beyond time to move the needle on common sense gun laws that keep Tennesseans safe. That means having a conversation about what specific safety measures should be enacted and returning to a normal place where we require and expect those with handguns to have passed a basic permit class.

As a gun owner and permit holder, I take this issue seriously. We need to get back to a place where all law-abiding Tennesseans are required to take their gun rights at least as seriously as their driving privileges. Anything less disregards our public safety and endangers our hard-working law enforcement.


Everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, but Tennessee’s current supermajority has given up on that idea. 

Instead, they have worked hard to create a two-tiered system. The fortunate have access to good hospitals and insurance coverage while decent, and affordable coverage is out of reach for working-class families who could be bankrupted by a major illness or injury.

Tennessee has missed out on over $22 billion of Federal funds from 2013 to 2022 by refusing to Expand Medicaid. That’s over $2 billion every year. I will advocate for the fiscally responsible decision to expand Medicaid. The federal tax dollars we all pay are helping other states expand their healthcare coverage, I will fight to return those dollars to our state. By doing so, we will create jobs, ensure the survival of our vital rural hospitals, and create a healthier Tennessee less dependent on emergency room visits for daily health issues.

Women’s reproductive rights aren’t under attack in Tennessee —  they’re gone. Deciding when to start a family is between a woman and her family, doctor, and faith. Not the government. I will take a stand and fight to reverse this disturbing trend and do everything I can through the power of my voice, legislation, and community involvement to stand up for Tennessee’s women.


As a Representative, I will be committed to listening to constituents and working across the aisle on issues that directly affect our community. 

Supporting our Educational Institutions

Our state-funded educational institutions like the University of Tennessee, Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Pellissippi State, and Tennessee School for the Deaf are pillars in our community that deserve more support through an advocate in Nashville.

Creating a New Mental Health Hospital

East Tennessee is in need of a mental health hospital; the closest state-funded mental health institution is over 100 miles away. I intend to work in a bipartisan way to ensure folks in need of this help can receive it closer to home.

Traffic & Development

I remember when I moved to Knoxville, people said you could get anywhere you needed to be in about 15 minutes. I'm ready to work with the Senate and House Transportation Committees as well as TDOT to quickly increase signage on Alcoa Highway which will help drivers and local businesses and improve congestion relief on Northshore, Pellissipi Parkway, and I-40.

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